Effect of chia seed (Salvia hispánica L.) use in the elaboration of strawberry jam (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) as jelling agent

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M. Díaz-Ramírez


ia seed, jam, pectin.


Objetive: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the incorporation of chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) in jams, taking advantage of its ability to form gels, and to absorb and retain water due to its mucilage content.

Design/methodology/approach: The study was performed using surface response methodology, by means of a D-optimal mix design, using the Design Expert 10.0.1 software, with which 17 formulations were obtained by combining three variables: fruit (49-50 g), chia seed (0-0.6 g) and pectin (0-1 g). The desirability function was used to optimize the formulation, where the evaluated physicochemical parameters (consistency, aw, ° Brix and color: L, a *, b *) were restricted according to the most suitable characteristics for the product.

Results: The results obtained showed that the change in concentration of the fruit and pectin from chia seed generated important changes in the jam, mainly in luminosity as well as the flow rate.

Study limitations / implications: The addition of chia seed added to a formulation of strawberry jam modifies the color, particularly the luminosity and flow rate or consistency, which is why it is suggested to analyze this quality parameter through an assay that allows predicting the quality of the product and completing the information obtained.

Findings/conclusions: The use of mathematical models generated the optimal formulation as well as the prediction of the quality responses by the jams.

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