Sobre la revista
Agro Productividad es una publicación mensual del Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas. Fue fundada en 2008 con el objetivo de difundir resultados en artículos científicos originales, así como notas científicas, revisiones temáticas, relacionados con la agricultura (cultivos, silvicultura, ganadería, pesca y acuicultura, y agroindustria) y la producción de ag
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Current Issue
2025: EARLY ACCESS (Vol. I)
Sodium Chloride in the Germination and Initial Growth of Three Huauzontle (Chenopodium berlandieri subsp. nuttalliae) Cultivars
Abstract 97 | EARLY ACCESS 1 Downloads 0Agronomic Evaluation of Castor Bean Cultivation (Ricinus communis L.) Under Soil Moisture-Limiting Conditions
Abstract 84 | EARLY ACCESS 2 Downloads 0Imbibition of Seeds of Mexican Seepweed (Suaeda mexicana) and Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) in Saline Solutions and its Effect on Germination and Initial Growth
Abstract 63 | EARLY ACCESS 3 Downloads 0Design and implementation of an electronic system to monitor and record agroclimatic variables in greenhouses
Abstract 36 | EARLY ACCESS 4 Downloads 0Evaluation of different portions of the ImmuPlus® polyherbal additive fed to fattening lambs
Abstract 50 | EARLY ACCESS 5 Downloads 0Zinc oxide nanoparticles vs Zn- EDTA in the growth and production of strawberry crops (Fragaria x ananassa Duch)
Abstract 60 | EARLY ACCESS 7 Downloads 0Characterization of the scientific production on Moringa oleifera Lam. for the period 2013–2023
Abstract 19 | EARLY ACCESS 8 Downloads 0Analysis of macro and micro nutrients in six substrates and leaves for vanilla cultivation (Vanilla planifolia G. Jackson)
Abstract 182 | EARLY ACCESS 9 Downloads 0Effect of thermal popping treatment on Toluqueño creole popcorn maize (Zea mays L.): Changes in physical and structural properties
Abstract 91 | EARLY ACCESS 10 Downloads 0Valorization of prickly pear pericarp (Opuntia albicarpa Scheinvar) through aerobic fermentation
Abstract 58 | EARLY ACCESS 11 Downloads 0Quality and postharvest life of tomato fruits (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Produced under saline stress conditions
Abstract 36 | EARLY ACCESS 13 Downloads 0Antifungal effect of the edible coating added with cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum verum) on the shelf life of strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa)
Abstract 41 | EARLY ACCESS 14 Downloads 0Biomass Incorporation into degraded soils and its Effect on the Productivity of Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Abstract 57 | EARLY ACCESS 15 Downloads 0Microhabitat of Totolcozcatl mushroom [Entoloma abortivum (Berk. & Curtis) Donk, Basidiomycotina] for restoration in the cloud forest
Abstract 43 | EARLY ACCESS 16 Downloads 0Strategic planning with a production chain approach to identify training needs in the agrifood sector
Abstract 51 | EARLY ACCESS 17 Downloads 0Wildfire analysis in the Cobos-Parga Hydrographic Basin, Aguascalientes, through satellite images: impacts and solutions
Abstract 48 | EARLY ACCESS 18 Downloads 0Yield of Cushaw squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma H.) with organic fertilizers
Abstract 24 | EARLY ACCESS 20 Downloads 0Agricultural Backyard Production in the Food Security Framework: A Case Study of a Microregion of Chicontepec Veracruz, Mexico
Abstract 63 | EARLY ACCESS 21 Downloads 0Application and Effects of Rare Earth Elements in Agricultural Produc-tion Systems
Abstract 54 | EARLY ACCESS 22 Downloads 0Revisiones
Low protein diets for pigs: where are we going?
Abstract 54 | EARLY ACCESS 6 Downloads 0Notas de Investigación
Socio-environmental Study and Ecological Footprint in the Mixtec Community of El Calvario
Abstract 41 | EARLY ACCESS 12 Downloads 0¡AVISO!
A partir de enero 2025, las Revistas del Colegio de Postgraduados: Agroproductividad y Agricultura Sociedad y Desarrollo (ASyD) solicitan por cada artículo aceptado para su publicación, una cuota de $8,000.00 (Ocho mil pesos 00/100 MN), por la edición, maqueteo, marcaje XML y DOI.
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