Inclusion of Hydroponic Green Forage in Rabbit Feeding
Alimentación, conejos, forraje hidropónico
Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the inclusion level of hydroponic corn green forage (HCGF) in rabbit diets and its effect on growth and carcass conformation characteristics.
Design/methodology/approach: Five inclusion treatments were established, in the daily diet of Tepexpan® brand commercial balanced feed (CBF) and hydroponic corn green forage (HCGF), in the following proportions (CBF:HGCF): T1:100:00, T2: 75:25, T3:50:50, T4: 25:75, and T5: 00:100. The HCGF was harvested and used 10 days after planting. The treatments were evaluated in 45 weaned rabbits, in a completely randomized design for 30 days. The productive performance variables were daily weight gain, live weight, carcass weight and carcass yield. Additionally, measurements of digestive tract organs were recorded.
Results: Higher productive performance and better carcass conformation were found in the rabbits from T1, fed with concentrate, followed by T2 and T3 in a 75:25 and 50:50 ratios, repectively. Rabbits in T3 exhibited lower productive performance during growth and carcass yield.
Limitations on study/implications: Further research is recommended on the the inclusion of HCGF at levels below 50% in rabbit diets.
Findings/conclusions: The inclusion of hydroponic corn green forage at levels of 25 to 50% maintains the productive performance of rabbits, while higher inclusion levels negatively impact feeding efficiency.