Productive performance and egg physical characteristics of Tufted Creole and Marans hens Productive performance and egg physical characteristics of Tufted Creole and Marans hens


Leodan T. Rodríguez-Ortega
Alejandro Rodríguez-Ortega
Filogonio J. Hernández-Guzmán
Judith Callejas-Hernández
Arturo Pro-Martínez
Hector Leyva Jimenez


Peso corporal, producción de huevo, consumo de alimento, aves de corral, traspatio


Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the productive performance and the egg physical characteristics of two backyard-type breeds of birds.
Design/methodology/approach: Tufted Creole (13 hens and a rooster) and Marans (13 hens and a rooster) hens were used in this study. Live body weight, feed intake, egg production, egg weight, egg length and egg width were measured
weekly for eight weeks. Collected data were analyzed using a two-way variance analysis; the main factors were breed, week, and their interaction.
Results: Marans hens were heavier and had higher feed intake than Tufted Creole (TCH) (P<0.05). The TCH egg was smaller (P<0.05) in weight and length with respect to that of Marans hens. TCH produced more eggs than Marans hens (P<0.05). The week factor was significant (P<0.05) for body weight, feed intake and egg length.
Study limitations/implications: Further studies should be carried out to design a feeding program that would allow both breeds to express their full productive potential and maximize the return on investment in backyard production systems in Mexico.
Findings/conclusions: Marans hens are a heavier breed due to their greater live body weight and feed intake with respect to TCH. TCH are lighter birds but with a higher egg production when compared to Marans.

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