VEGAN BREAD ADDED WITH Lactobacillus plantarum BAL-03-ITTG AND FLOUR OF Crotalaria longirostrata, Cnidisculus aconitifolius AND Moringa oleifera

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L.M.C. Ventura-Canseco


Nutraceutical, vegans, bread, vegetable flours.


Bread constitutes a food that is highly consumed by the vegetarian and vegan community. This culture of food is often deficient in nutrients which can be added by incorporating ingredients such as vegetable flours, in addition to the addition of probiotics in order to obtain symbiotic products. Therefore, the objective of this project was to evaluate the functional characteristics of vegan bread supplemented with leaf flours of Crotalaria longirostrata, Cnidoscolus aconitiflolius and Moringa oleifera, as well as Lactobacillus plantarum (BAL-03-ITTG) microencapsulated. Vegan bread was formulated
by replacing wheat flour with Crotalaria longirostrata flour, Cnidoscolus aconitiflolius and Moringa oleifera (3 and 5%). Bread without the addition of these vegetable flours was used as a control. In addition, 10% of Lactobacillus plantarum microencapsulated was added. The results showed that with the substitution of wheat flour the nutritional properties were improved in terms of phenols and flavonoids content, antioxidant activity and protein content, being the best flours those of Crotalaria longirostrata and Moringa oleifera. However, the baking process caused the death of microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum.

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