Determination of the sensory shelf-life in chayote (Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw.) of exportation with four commercial coatings stored at room temperature and refrigeration

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Jorge Antonio Gutierrez Torres
Rosalia Nuñez-Pastrana
Otto Raul Leyva-Ovalle
Hipolito Ortiz-Laurel
Adriana Contreras-Oliva
Mirna López-Espíndola
José Andrés Hererra-Corredor


Sensory shelf-life, chayote, edible coating, export.


Objective: To compare sensory shelf-life of chayote (Sechium edule var. virens levis) coated with four edible coatings stored at two temperature conditions.
Design/methodology/approximation: Chayote samples were obtained from Coscomatepec, Veracruz. Survival curves were modelled using survival analysis under the Kaplan-Meier, Cox Regression, Weibull, Exponential, Logist, LogLog, Log Normal and Gauss with 4 commercial edible coatings: Guar Gum Substitute, Lacquer Gum, Guar Gum and Comercial wax, in two storage temperatures: refrigeration (8 °C) and room temperarure (27 °C). Critical attibutes considered as limiting shelf-life were mold prescence and viviparism. Degree of sensory liking was determined at week two and four evaluating visual characteristics of chayote samples: apperance, color, brightness, defects, freshness and overall liking.
Results: LogLog y Logistic models adjusted better to survival data. The results indicated shelf life of chayote stored at room temperature (27 °C) was four weeks with the exception of commercial wax which shelf life was reduced to two days. Under refrigerated storage conditions (8 °C), a sensory shelf life of eight weeks was obtained with the treatments of Guar Gum Substitute, Guar Gum and Lacquer Gum. At week two, lacquer gum treatment at room temperature was more liked in appearance, color, brightness, freshness and overall liking while under refrigeration storage, Commercial Wax and Guar Gum Substitute treatments had the highest liking values for the majority of attributes. At week four, only refrigerated
treatments were evaluated. Lacquer Gum treatment had the highest liking values for all attributes.
Limitations on the study/implications: The study is limited to chayote from the region of Coscomatepec
variety smooth green. Results may not apply to other varieties.
Findings/Conclusions: LogLog y Logistic models were more suitable for modeling sensory shelf life on
chayote. Commercial wax can enhance visual quality of chayote in the short term but lacquer gum was
able to preserve the visual characteristics for longer time under refrigeration storage.

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