Morphological characteristics of okra fruits [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.] cultivated in the dry tropic

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Ramiro Maldonado-Peralta
Adelaido R. Rojas-García
Alejandro Romero-Bautista
María de los Á. Maldonado-Peralta
Delfina Salinas-Vargas
Elias Hernández-Castro


congo coffe, shape index, morphological quality, mazorquita coffee.


Objective: The objective was to evaluate the morphological characteristics of okra fruits [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.], in the dry tropics, a crop endemic to the Afro-Mexican region.

Design / Methodology / Approach: The material was collected in Cuajinicuilapa, Guerrero, Mexico. By means of a Random Complete Design (RCD), 4 repetitions of 100 fruits were selected, each one; it was evaluated: weight, number, size and shape of fruits and seeds. The data were analyzed with the procedure of Central Tendency Measurements, using SAS.

Results: The fruits are heterogeneous and some are deformed, have an elongated and grooved shape, with an average weight of 10.4 g and 95 seeds of 0.05 g each; they are round with the conical microphile, the dark gray head and the white embryo.

Study limitations / implications: The morphological characteristics of the okra fruit should continue to be studied with more time and established crops to broaden the panorama of decisions.

Findings / conclusions: Backyard okra fruits have quality and potential for fresh or processed consumption. There is a lack of management and improvement of the crop.

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