Almacén de carbono orgánico del suelo y abundancia ectomicorrízica bajo dos especies de coníferas en el Nevado de Toluca, México

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Griselda Chávez-Aguilar
Cristina Burrola-Aguilar
Azucena González-Morales
Marlín Pérez-Suárez


ectomycorrhizal fungi; ectomycorrhizal morphotypes; high mountain forests


Objective: to evaluate the effect of two forest species in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and ectomycorrhizal abundance (ECM) characterizing the most representative morphotypes ECM under each forest species.

Design/ methodology/ approach: SOC was determined by the oxide reduction method in soil samples collected at 0-30 cm under individuals of Pinus hartwegii and Abies religiosa. Ectomycorrhizal roots were extracted of soil to quantify ECM abundance and characterize the morphotypes ECM.

Results: COS under P. hartwegii (219.0 Mg ha-1) was not significantly different from that of A. religiosa (211.7 Mg ha-1), but not in the abundance of ECM, which was higher (p= 0.000) under A. religiosa (43.5%) than under P. hartwegii (26.4%). 21 total ECM morphotypes were observed, of which five were common under both forest species.

Limitations on study/ implications: it is an initial study that requires subsequent molecular identification of ectomycorrhizal morphotypes.

Findings/ conclusions: P. hartwegii and A. religiosa have the same capacity to storage COS under their individuals, while ECM abundance was defined by the forest species. Both forest species shared only 28% of total ECM morphotypes observed. This work contributes to knowledge as the first step for identifying the influence of the fungus-tree association on the dynamics of the COS in temperate forest soils.

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