TOXICITY OF INSECTICIDES ON WHITE SCALE (Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) OF MANGO (Mangifera indica L.)

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L.M. Hernández-Fuentes


Exports, fruit trees, mangos, insecticides.


White scale (Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead) has become a serious problem in mango cultivation (Mangifera indica L.), provoking a reduction in photosynthesis and cosmetic damage on the fruit which affects its exports. The toxicity of different insecticides was evaluated, to have more chemical alternatives in this insect’s control. A completely random design with four repetitions under laboratory conditions was used. Two toxicity evaluations were performed against females at 3 and 24 h after application, and in males it was evaluated at 3 h after application. The doses of propylene glycol monolaurate (1175.4 and 2357.9 mg kg-1) and mineral oil (2940 and 3920 mg kg-1) caused mortality in females of 100 % and 98 %, respectively. The CL50 of cypermethrin (23.49 mg kg-1) and mineral oil (368.6 mg kg-1) in females was lower than the doses evaluated in the study. The mineral oil with a dose of 3920 mg kg-1 controlled 60 % in males with CL50 of 1418 mg kg-1. The best products both for males and females were mineral oil and propylene glycol monolaurate.

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