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J.A. Ramos-Juárez


Fermentation in solids, raw sugar cane, burnt sugar cane, ensilage.


The fermentation of unrefined sugar cane, raw and burnt stems, was evaluated, to be conserved as ensilage of the MEX 69-290 variety, mature and ground into 2 mm particles. The following was added: 1.5 % urea, 0.5 % mineral salts, 0.3 % ammonium sulfate. It was fermented aerobically for 24 h on the floor with a thickness of 10 cm, and the treatments were unrefined sugar cane, raw stems and burnt stems, in a completely randomized design. During a second phase with factorial 3 X 4 arrangement, the types of sugar cane and times of anaerobic conservation (0, 20, 40 and 60 days) were considered, with eight repetitions. The dry matter (MS) was evaluated, raw and true protein (PC, PV), acid and neutral detergent fiber (FDA, FDN), efficiency and fermentative temperature, pH, lactic acid, ammonia. The values of PC 17.21,, PV 10.54, 10.65, 14.33, synthesis efficiency 61.2,
64.0 and 72.6 for unrefined sugar cane, raw stems and burnt stems, respectively, were significantly higher for burnt stems (P<0.01). The fermentative values, temperature 38.4 °C, 37.3 °C, 42 °C, pH 6.93, 7.09, 6.53 ammonia (2.47, 2.81, 3.44) for unrefined sugar cane, raw stems and burnt stems. The conservation in ensilage up to 40 days derived into a product with 25%-28% of MS. The PV decreased three percent points. The FDN and FDA decreased in 7.5 to 13.8 percent points, showing that the food with burnt stems was higher in PV and efficiency in synthesis than the foods with unrefined sugar cane and raw stems, the FDN and FDA were similar in the three foods, and meals can be obtained for livestock with unrefined sugar cane and burnt stems.

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