RISK OF TRANSMISSION OF Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) IN DOMESTIC AND WILD SPECIES

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C. Cortez-Romero


Johne’s disease, paratuberculosis, zoonosis, deer.


The microorganism Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) is the cause of severe gastroenteritis granulomatous in ruminants. It is known as Johne’s disease and is characterized by persistent diarrhea and progressive emaciation, which eventually causes death in animals, particularly young ones since they are more susceptible to being infected through oral-fecal transmission through the consumption of contaminated grass, colostrum, milk and via transplacentary conduction. Its control and prevention is based on reliable diagnoses that detect the agent before the beginning of clinical signs, and thus avoid its dissemination in the flock. This disease is distributed worldwide and is responsible for important economic losses in the industry of cattle and sheep production, and in wild animal breeding centers. A revision about the risks of transmission between domestic and wild animals is done.

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