Effect of chayotextle starch and erythritol on the physicochemical and sensory quality of a blackberry yogurt enriched with inulin

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Susana E. Altamirano-Romo
Marcelo Garrido-Torres
Apolonio Vargas-Torres
Giselle Muñoz-Sánchez


Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw, correspondence analysis, prebiotics, sweeteners, lactic cultures


Objective: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of incorporating chayotextle root starch and erythritol on the physicochemical quality of a yogurt enriched with inulin.

Design/methodology/approach: For which the following treatments T1 were established: Erythritol 2.1%; T2: Starch 1% + Erythritol 2.1%; T3: Sugar 1.5% + Erythritol 1.05%; T4: Starch 1% + Sugar 1.5% + Erythritol 1.05%; T5: Sugar 3% and T6: Starch 1% + Sugar 3%. The variables that were analyzed were nutritional content, pH, total soluble solids, syneresis, and sensory quality was determined through a CATA.

Results: The results indicate that the incorporation of chayotextle starch to yogurt favored an increase in the content of non-fat solids and a decrease in syneresis while the use of erythritol as a sugar substitute decreased the caloric and non-fat solids content and increased the pH and syneresis, otherwise when sugar was used. Enriching all formulations with 5% inulin favored greater stability and an increase in dietary fiber for all treatments. Sensorially, chayotextle starch in combination with sugar favored greater sensory acceptance of yogurtLimitations on study/implications: It would be necessary to evaluate the texture profile of the yogurt, as well as the use of other stabilizers such as other starches such as potato, corn or cassava or gums such as xanthan and arabica or even carboxyme-tylcellulose, which are the most commercial.

Findings/conclusions: La adición de eritritol no sustituye al azúcar como edulcorante desde el punto de vista sensorial; Sin embargo, nutricionalmente reduce el contenido calórico en un 57%. Además, la inulina favorece un mayor contenido de fibra dietética, mientras que el almidón de chayotextle en conjunto con el azúcar favoreció preservar las características fisicoquímicas y sensoriales del yogurt.

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