Changes in coverage in the collection sites of pine trees at risk in northern Mexico

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Ramiro Pérez Miranda
Jesús Valentín Gutiérrez García
Martín Enrique Romero Sánchez
Efraín Velasco Bautista
Antonio González Hernández


Temperate forests, Botanical collection, Forest ecosystems, Endangered species, Pinus spp


Objective: Analyze changes in land use and vegetation (USyV; from 1985 to 2014) in the collection sites of 16 pines listed in NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 located in northern Mexico.

Design/methodology/approach: We integrate a georeferenced database of the species under study from consultations of botanical collections. A point coverage was created to add USyV vector information from Series I (1985) and VI (2014). Subsequently, spatial analysis and geoprocessing identified class changes during the period.

Results: A total of 2,242 georeferenced records of pine species were obtained. The results indicated that 50.0 % of the total number of pine records consulted in collections with Series I information are in other USyV categories than primary forest. At the same time, with Series VI, this condition rises to 58.7 %. Consequently, the most critical changes in the period under study occurred in converting primary forests to agriculture, pasture, secondary vegetation of coniferous and oak forests, and urban areas.

Limitations/implications: The availability of larger scale cartographic material, to generate a risk analysis study of changes and threats to the conservation of pine species.

Findings/conclusions: The number of collection sites recorded in primary coniferous, scrub, and oak forests in Series I decreased significantly compared to Series VI, shifting to agriculture, water bodies, grassland, and urban areas.

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