Agricultural crops by rotation: adaptive strategies of two rural communities of Champotón, Campeche

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Zulema Guadalupe Huicab Pech
Jaime Bautista Ortega
Alberto Santillán Fernández
Carolina Flota Bañuelos
Silvia Fraire Cordero
Veronica Rosales Martínez



Objective: To identify the agricultural crops in rotation carried out by the producers during one year of two rural communities of Champotón, Campeche.

Design / methodology / approach: The research was carried out in 2019, in Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, communities belonging to Champotón, Campeche. Descriptive exploratory character. Documentary research was carried out and a survey was applied with 200 questionnaires in total, using the "snowball" technique. Descriptive statistics, were applied using the statistical packages of Excel.

Results: Chihua squash (Cucurbita argyrosperma Huber) and sugar cane (Sacharumm officinarum) are the most economically important crops for Santo Domingo Kesté and Sihochac, respectively. Corn is grown both in Sihochac in May and in Kesté in various months of the year. Chihua squash, peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), sesame (Sesamum indicum), sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) are produced only in Kesté at different times of the year.

Limitations of the study / implications: This research is local in nature, so its results cannot be generalized, but they can be similar to other regions in the country.

Findings / conclusions: Crop rotation is practiced in Kesté and not in the community of Sihochac. The way in which each community is organized to grow its crops responds to cultural-social factors and its available resources.

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