Effect of selenium on semen quality and fertility of rams

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Enrique Hernández-Carrillo
Héctor Sánchez-Pineda
Jorge Tórtora-Pérez
Francisco Antonio Cigarroa Vázquez
María Reyes-García
Marisela Peralta-Lailson
José A. Hernández-Marín


Selenium, rams, semen quality, fertility.



To evaluate the effect of different doses of selenium on seminal quality and fertility in rams.


Nine rams were evaluated. Selenium was offered subcutaneously at two months of age of the rams each month. Treatments were T1= no selenium, T2= 0.1 mg/kg selenium, and T3= 0.3 mg/kg selenium. Seminal evaluation was performed at seven months of age on the rams using an electroejaculator, and a total of 180 ejaculates were analyzed. The rams with the best seminal quality (one per treatment) were submitted to mating. The variables evaluated were: volume (Vol), mass motility (MM), progressive motility (PM), sperm concentration per mL and per ejaculate, percentage of complete acrosome, percentage of live sperm, percentage of normal sperm and percentage of fertility. Variables with normal distribution were evaluated with an analysis of variance (ANOVA; Tukey, 0.05) and the percentages were raised to arcsine to perform the corresponding ANOVA. Fertility was analyzed with a Chi-square test.


Seminal quality and fertility percentage were not different (P >0.05). Ejaculate volume showed differences (P <0.05).


The study with a larger number of rams and a previous practice in field work for the evaluation of semen parameters is necessary for a better estimation of semen quality and fertility and to verify the results.


Selenium did not improve seminal quality and fertility in rams.


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