Production and marketing of Helianthus Annuus L. for cutting flower in Texcoco, Mexico

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V. García-Reyes
J. Silvano-Sánchez
J. Zavala-Ruiz
L. Meraz-Huescas
Obdulia Baltazar-Bernal


floriculture, production process, sunflower, added value


Objective: To evaluate the production process of the sunflower for cutting flower at two planting dates, the day degree of development (GDD) and commercialization.

Design/methodology/approach: A completely randomized experimental design with subsampling was used, with five replications per treatment, planting date, to analyze the variables: number of leaves, height, and flower diameter. Vincent Choice Dark Eye BallTM sunflower was sown in black plastic boxes with 8 cm of substrate on January 31 and February 11, 2020, at 153 m-2 plants, in the greenhouse. After, the seedlings were developed in the open field until harvest, added value and was commercialized locally. The degrees-days of development (GDD) were calculated.

Results: The sunflower cultivation cycle for cut flower was 58 days on average. The cultivation in boxes had few weeds, but pests appeared that were controlled. The sunflowers reached an average height of 55 cm, with 13 leaves per stem and a flower with a diameter of 6.88 cm. The sunflower hybrid required more GDD to reach the commercial maturity of the flower on the first planting date. The benefit/cost rate was 1.38.

Study limitations/implications: Only two planting dates were made.

Findings/Conclusions: The production process involved planning, management and marketing. The sunflower hybrid required an average of 499 GDD to reach commercial flower maturity. The added value increased the price by 5 times.

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