Physicochemical, microbiological, and nutrimental quality of tomato industrial by-product and its valorization as source of carotenoid rich oil

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Carmen Elena Valle Castillo
Maribel Valdez Morales
Sergio Medina Godoy
Juan Paulino Segoviano León
Manuel García Ulloa
Francisco Javier Valverde Juárez
Laura Gabriela Espinosa Alonso


carotenoids, tomato oil, quality, industrial by-product, valorization


Objective: To valorize an industrial tomato byproduct from the Northwest Mexico based on the evaluation of its physicochemical, microbiological, and nutrimental quality and its potential as functional ingredient to obtain a carotenoids rich oil.

Design/methodology/approach: The tomato by-product was collected form the food industry and it was oven dried. Fresh and dry tomato by-product quality was evaluated through physicochemical, microbiological, proximal composition, dietary fiber, and minerals analysis. HPLC carotenoids analysis was performed from the Soxhlet n-hexane extracted oil and dry-byproduct.

Results: The by-product showed 81 and 9.7% of humidity; 0.26 and 0.53% meq of citric acid for titratable acidity in fresh and dried, respectively and 4.74 °Brix in fresh. The color gets paler due to the drying process, turning less red. The aerobic mesophylls, total coliforms and fungi and yeasts microbiological analysis in fresh by-product (170, <10, <10 CFU/g, respectively) and dried (180, <10, ?95 UFC/g, respectively), proved their acceptable microbiological safety. It stands out the dietary insoluble (52%) and soluble (9%) fiber, protein (14%), lipids (9.09%) content, as well as Mn>Zn>Fe>Cu, and K>P>Ca>Mg>Na. The carotenoids rich oil concentrated 13 times more lycopene (4.98 mg/g) and twice ?-carotene (0.48 mg/g) content, compared to the dry by-product from which it comes (0.38 mg/g and 0.22 mg/g, respectively).

Limitations on study/implications: Great efforts were required to dry high amounts the tomato industrial by-product.

Findings/Conclusion: The tomato industrial by-product from Northwest Mexico possess suitable physicochemical, microbiological, and nutrimental quality for its use as a functional ingredient for the generation of new products, for example a carotenoid rich oil.

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