Mycelial growth of the wild edible mushrooms Floccularia luteovirens in different culture media and pH

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Y. Arana-Gabriel
C. Burrola-Aguilar
A. Alcalá-Adán
C. Zepeda-Gómez
M.E. Estrada-Zúñiga


strain, biomass, in vitro culture, “yolk” mushrooms, culture media


Objective: To evaluate the mycelial growth and biomass production of F. luteovirens in different media of culture and pH values.

Design/methodology/approximation: The investigation was carried out in two stages, in the first one the quantification of biomass production and growth rate in five general culture media was quantified. In the second, three of the five media were chosen by adjusting the pH to 4, 5 and 6, to increase the biomass and growth rate presented in the first stage.

Results: pH is an influential factor in the availability of nutrients for the mushrooms, reflected in the increase or inhibition of mycelial growth and biomass production. During the first stage, the Coconut Agar and Malt Extract Agar were the most favorable means for mycelial development, while the Corn Agar was the least favorable. When the pH was modified, the Malt Extract Agar with pH 4 was the most efficient medium in terms of growth rate while the Coconut Agar had the highest biomass production at the different pH.

Limitations and implications: Growth in vitro culture is slow in relation to another fungal species.

Findings/conclusions: The cultivation of Floccularia luteovirens represents an alternative for obtaining food of high nutritional value, safeguarding germplasm and increase and diversification of cultivated species; this due to the edible use, high nutritional content and medicinal properties.

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