Physicochemical characterization of creole corn (Zea mays L.) (blue and red) from the State of Mexico

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Alan Uriel García-Campos
Rosy Gabriela Cruz-Monterrosa
Adolfo Armando Rayas-Amor
Judith Jiménez-Guzmán
Miriam Fabiola Fabela-Morón
Ma. de la Paz Salgado-Cruz
Alejandro de Jesús Cortés-Sánchez
Adriana Villanueva-Carvajal
Mayra Díaz-Ramírez


creole corn, physicochemical characterization, color, aw


Objective: To evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of the creole corn (blue and red) from the Estado de México.

Design / methodology / approach: Size (mm), hectoliter weight (kg/Hl-1), color and aw were evaluated on blue and red creole corn. Besides, moisture, ash, ethereal extract, and protein content were evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed to assess possible significant differences using the Tukey test (p <0.05).

Results: Red creole corn had lower moisture and higher protein and ethereal extract contents also it was larger and had higher hectoliter weight therefore the flour yield of red corn could be higher than in blue corn.

Study limitations / implications: Biological activity of the evaluated creole corn kernels is necessary for it use as a functional food.

Findings / Conclusions: Red corn had better physicochemical characteristics than blue corn

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