Nutritional removal of cocoa fruit (Theobroma cacao L.) in Mexico Nutrient removal in cocoa
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Nutrition, Criollo, Trinitarian, Forastero
Objective: To determine the nutritional concentration of the cocoa fruit in its components: shell, mucilage, testa and seed of different genetic groups.
Design / methodology / approach: The determination of the nutrient removal was from three cocoa clones: Criollo (Carmelo), Forastero (PMCT 58) and Trinitario (RIM 88). Ten fruits from each clone were collected. Each fruit was divided into its components: peel, mucilage, testa and seed. Each of the fractions were dried in the drying oven for 72 h at 65 ° C; each fraction was then ground, packaged, labeled and sent to the laboratory, where the macro and micro-nutrients of each of these fractions were determined.
Results. The nutritional removal of the macro and micro nutrients (N, PK, Ca, Mg and S), of the different structures (shell, mucilage, testa and seed) and genetic group (outsider, Trinidadian and Creole), ranged in a range of acceptable values ??(0.01 <s <0.199).
Study limitations / implications: Nutrient removal will be mainly influenced by the genetic group of cocoa and the conditions where it is grown.
Findings / Conclusions: The nutritional removal of cocoa varies according to the different structures (seed, testa, mucilage and shell) and the concentration depends largely on the variety of cocoa (Forastero, Trinitario or Criollo). Potassium is the element most absorbed by the peel, followed by calcium and nitrogen and phosphorus in the seed. In general, the Trinitario cocoa (RIM) presented higher nutrient removal in K, N, Mg and P, followed by the Forastero (PMCT 58) and with lesser quantity the Criollo (Carmelo) and in the microelements the most absorbed were Zn, Fe and B in Trinitario, Criollo and Forastero, respectively.