Alternative feedstuffs in livestock production for greenhouse gases mitigation in Mexico. GHG mitigation in Mexico

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Elizabeth Y. García-Piña
Esperanza Herrera-Torres
Manuel Murillo-Ortíz
Damián Reyes-Jáquez
Francisco O. Carrete-Carreón
Gerardo Pámanes-Carrasco


ruminants, forage alternative sources, methane, ruminal fermentation, forage alternative sources, methane, ruminal fermentation, ruminants


A constant growth in the population, as well as a demand for natural resources and the climate change effect have lead to the seek of new feedstuffs sources which may satisfy the nutritional requirements of productive ruminants and contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the livestock activity. In this way, industrial wastes and agricultural shears have been subjected of many researches worldwide. Likewise, the use of aquatic macrophytes as forage sources in ruminants feeding emerges as an option. Additionally, the implementation of forest livestock systems has resurged as a real alternative in the battle against the erosion in arable lands. Regarding to the latter, this literature review recommends the use of agricultural shears, industrial wastes, and other feedstuffs sources as a sustainable alternative in the reduction of GHG in livestock systems as a contribution to the mitigation of the climate change effect.

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