Growth and nutritional value of the silage of two cultivars of Pennisetum purpureum at different ages Growth and nutritional value of Pennisetum
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forages, humid tropics, feeding, cattle
Objective: in order to evaluate the growth, the chemical composition and the quality of the silage at 45 and 60 days of cutting of the Pennisetum purpureum sp. Giant and Pennisetum purpureum cv. Taiwan.
Design / methodology / approach: The study was carried out in the Germplasm Bank of the Rosario Izapa Experimental Field, in Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas, Mexico. From the chemical analysis of the silage, crude protein (CP), crude fat (CF), crude fiber (CF), ash (A), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and pH were determined. From growth, plant height, leaf length, leaf width and stem diameter. A completely randomized design was used with three repetitions per treatment using PROC GLM and the comparison of average with the Tukey procedure.
Results: The CP content of both grasses decreased in the period from 45 to 60 days, from 7.18% to 5.36% respectively in the Taiwan grass, and from 7.53% to 6.05% in the Pennisetum sp. Giant, in the same period respectively. Plant height, length, leaf width, and stem diameter were greater in Taiwan grass (P<0.05) at 30, 45, and 60 days; the pH of the silage was similar between the evaluated pastures (P>0.05) at 45 and 60 days.
Study limitations / implications: Assessment is required in the dry season (December-April).
Findings / Conclusions: Taiwan grass had the highest growth rate in all periods; while the giant grass had greater nutritional value at 45 and 60 days of cutting.