Evaluation of stakes productivity and rooting of 10 clones of Eucalyptus sp. in the Proplance S. A. De C.v. nursery clonal propagation
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Vegetative propagation,clonal mini garden , plant growth regulators.
Present documentary work has been realized at Proplanse's nursery. The objective was to evaluate productivity of mother plants, on genus Eucalyptus and the rooting capacity of stakes from mini clonal garden, belonging to Proplanse. Ten clones of three species of Eucalyptus were placed in a mini clonal garden through gutters with a drip irrigation system. In relation to the variables, number of resprouts and viable stakes measured in the mini garden, were obtained highly significant differences between clones, which were: UP1 (17,947 resprouts and 34.05 Viable Stakes), UG2 (12,120 resprouts and 22.96 Viable Stakes) and G2 (10,254 Resprouts and 27.89 viable stakes). The parameters measured in the irrigation water were obtained the average values of the CE 0.5 mS/cm and pH 5 to 7. The stakes established in the module showed highly significant differences (P<0.0001) in the percentage of rooting, Where three clones were obtained superior, the best of them is the clone G2 with 78.58% rooting, developing in environmental conditions of relative humidity, greater than 80% and temperature between 25-30 ° C. With the average values obtained from the variables measured in the clonal mini garden and the rooting module was realized a projection of productivity and rooting, considering a density of 54 plants mother/m2. Resulting, a minimum average production of Annual variable stakes of 10, 0000 to 27,000 depending on the clone, with possibilities to root from 2,000 to 18,000 per square meter stakes of the mini garden.