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Eleazar Lugo-Cruz
Leopoldo E. Mendoza-Onofre
Amalio Santacruz-Varela
Ma. Alejandra Gutiérrez-Espinosa
Juan M Hernández-Casillas
Francisco Zavala-García
Víctor A. González Hernández


ear diversity, native maize, landrace, dryland, Zea mays.


This study was done for reviewing the diversity and distribution of native maize grown at southern Nuevo León, Mexico, in 40 accessions collected in the area. Information obtained was on the production unit and on the ears traits, according to the CONABIO guidelines. In this area maize is usually grown during the Spring-Summer period, and using little technology, without fertilization or pest control. The 40 accessions correspond to seven races and seven interracial crosses. The most frequent maize races were Ratón and Cónico Norteño, especially in dry areas with little rain. Races Celaya, Tablilla de Ocho and Elotes Cónicos found in this study, had not been previously reported; but the Tabloncillo and Olotillo races that had previously been reported were no longer found. Three collections stood out for producing large ears with large kernels, thus having a high yield potential. Native maize harvested in dryland areas might offer advantages to be grown under harsh environments.

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