Production and marketing of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott) in Actopan, Veracruz, Mexico: Value chain perspective

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Nancy Nazario Lezama
Ezequiel Arvizu-Barrón
Yesica Mayett-Moreno
María del Carmen Álvarez-Ávila
Eliseo García-Pérez



Objective: To analyze the production and marketing of taro in Actopan, Veracruz,
Mexico, with a value chain approach.
Design/methodology/approach: Official databases were assessed and 28
questionnaires were applied to producers and seven to representatives of packing
companies, with a value chain approach.
Results: fifty percent of producers interviewed are of small-scale (0.5-3 ha) with
average annual yields of 50 t ha -1 . The main problems faced are: high prices for
agricultural inputs, low market prices, pests and diseases. The commercialization of
the product is done through retail and wholesale gatherers in the region. There are
no purchase-sale contracts, the agreements are verbal. The packing companies are

in charge of carrying out the process of clean assembly, selection, disinfection,
labeling, packaging and distribution. Ninety percent of the fresh taro market is for the
United States.
Limitations on study/implications: Taro producers lack a government agency to
represent them, for example the product-system; therefore, the information on
production, costs and wholesale prices is limited and dispersed.
Findings/conclusions: The production and commercialization of taro is of great
economic and social importance. It generates economic income and temporary jobs
throughout the year. It has relatively low production costs and high performance. In
general, it benefits economic agents in the value chain. However, the lack of
organization of producers does not allow them to use economies of higher scale,
access to preferential markets and high prices paid to the producers.

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