Potencial distribution of the Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida Nelson 1903) in Aguascalientes, Durango, Jalisco and Zacatecas, Mexico POTENCIAL DISTRIBUTION OF MEXICAN SPOTTED OWL (STRIX OCCIDENTALIS LUCIDA, NELSON 1903) IN AGUASCALIENTES, DURANGO, JALISCO AND ZACATECAS, MEXICO

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Davira Yolanda Palma Cancino
Luis Antonio Tarango Arámbula
Saul Ugalde Lezama
José Luis Alcantara Carbajal
Genaro Olmos Oropeza
Gregorio Ángeles Pérez
Joaquín Alberto Rincón Ramírez


potential habitat, conservation tool, presence prediction


The mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) is a threatened species in the United States and Mexico, the lack of studies throughout its range and habitat loss limits their conservation. The aim of this study was to estimate the potential distribution of this species in a portion of central Mexico. For this, we use the algorithm Maxent and ArcMap software using 21 presence records of owls, 19 bioclimatic layers, 4 layers of the digital elevation model, one cover layer and one of vegetation and land use layer. Cover, vegetation, elevation, precipitation and temperature were the variables that explained the resulting potential distribution model. Zacatecas had the highest surface with very high probability of distribution. Maxent appears to be a useful management tool for indicating the distribution of Strix occidentalis lucida; however, to validate the results, it is necessary to verify the field presence of the species at the sites indicated by this model.

Keywords: potential habitat, conservation tool, presence prediction

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