Evaluación de productos de control biológico de plagas por cañeros según su identificación social

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fkatia fkatia
Luis Andrés García Pacheco https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3932-9914
Benjamín Figueroa Sandoval https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2015-4325
Francisco Hernández Rosas https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3718-3245
Josafhat Salinas Ruíz https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4465-325X
Yesica Mayett Moreno https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7585-6060


Saccharum spp., innovations, self-rated, familiarity, willingness to use/try, willingness to pay


Innovation adoption is relevant for rural development. This research validated a self-perception scale for social identification with 61 sugarcane growers in Veracruz, Mexico during 2019, and its relationship with brand familiarity, willingness to use/test and willingness to buy biological pest control products. The scale allowed to identify farmers in traditional, in transition and technified. No significant differences were found in the self-perception scale regarding willingness to use/test or pay for the evaluated biological pest control products contrary to familiarity. It can be concluded that the scale allows to identify farmers according to their self-perception level of technification, where the self-perceived as technified are more willing to accept more innovations.

Abstract 517 | PDF 17 (8 Páginas) (Español (España)) Downloads 0

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