First report of thermo alcalophilic bacteria in “Los baños del Carmen” Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, Mexico
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biocatalytic bacteria, thermal water, microbiota
Objective: To isolate and to characterize extremophile microoorganism from hot spring manantial “Baños del Carmen” Venustiano Carranza, Chiapas, México.
Design/methodology/approach: The samples were collected in three points of the main pit of the site called "Los Baños del Carmen". Serial dilutions were made and plated in LB medium and nutrient agar. Reseed colonies were isolated with different colonial morphology to obtain axenic cultures. Micro and macroscopic morphological characterization of the isolates and a biochemical characterization with the API 20E kit were carried out.
Results: Three alkaline thermophilic bacterial strains were successfully found: YEFP-C, YEPF-J, and YEPF-P. All strains were gram-negative an ability to grow at pH 8-10 and 50?C. Also, all them have a fermentative metabolism of carbohydrates and beta-galactosidase activity.
Limitations on study/implications: The strategy used was limited to heterotrophic aerobic organisms; however, it is likely that there is a diversity of other types of prokaryotes and eukaryotes on the site.
Findings/conclusions: There are extremophile organisms in hot spring “Los Baños del Carmen”, and this work is the first report with scientific evidence.