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J. A. Pérez-Sato


Tourism, avifauna, community monitoring, bird counts, center of Veracruz.


The avitourism is a recreational activity that let us spread the richness of birds as a way to reach their conservation, because birds are the most charismatic fauna group. In the Altas Montañas of Veracruz Region, Mexico, can be found more than 450 bird species in the biggest altitudinal gradient of Mexico, from 0 to 5,530 masl. We did bird monitoring in 19 localities from 10 municipalities; in these sites were recorded 314 bird species, which represent 44% of birds reported for Veracruz state and almost 70% of the birds recorded in the Altas Montañas Region. 43 bird species of the total are under some threat according NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 and The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; According with their
permanence status, 200 bird species are residents and 114 have some migratory status. In this region there are endemic, charismatic, indicators and rare species which are very interesting for avitourism, that is why in 2017 we created the Community Bird Monitoring Network “De las Altas Montañas al Mar”. As complementary results, we published a book of bird identification and three quick bird guides of some localities studied. In the study area, we also carried out Christmas and Spring bird counts, we created and keep active a bird watchers club and coming soon, we will celebrate the 1st Bird Festival of Altas Montañas Region. As a conclusion, the studied sites are excellent places for avitourism, activity that can improve the life conditions of local people and offer better alternatives for the conservation of birds

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