As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
1. The manuscript has not been previously published nor has it been sent to another journal before.
2. The authorization letter is attached (available here), singed by all the authors in PDF format.
3. It is the result of original scientific research.
4. The abstract, in Spanish and English, includes: a) objective; b) design / methodology / approach; c) results; d) limitations / implications; e) findings / conclusions.
5. There are between 3 and 5 keywords related to the article’s topic, methodology, results and discussion.
6. The ORCID for each and every author is stated.
7. Each and every author’s ascription institution is expressly indicated, without abbreviations and indicating the country.
8. The methodology is explicitly described, results are presented and discussed, as well conclusions are included.
9. Drafting, coherence, clarity and spelling were checked and revised.
10. The ethical aspects of research were observed.
11. The text is in word processor, figures in JPG and graphs in spreadsheet.
12. The extension of the article is 20 pages, letter size with 2.5-centimeter margins, Arial 12 points, single spacing, without space between paragraphs.
13. All the figures are indicated in the appropriate places in the text with their corresponding sources.
14. Only the bibliography cited in the text is included.
15. Whenever possible, URL/DOI addresses will be provided for the references.
Author Guidelines
The guidelines for authors are available for download in the Files section
Online submissions
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Requirement for manuscript submission
The articles submitted for possible publication in Agro Productividad must send the following documents, complete and in their final version, over the Open Journal Systems interface. Submissions sent otherwise will not be accepted:
Submission form: Available at the journal’s OJS interface, in which specific information on the article and author(s) is requested
Statement of originality and non-duplicity this letter must be filled with the data of the author or authors; in case of two authors or more, the data of each and every one of them must be provided. The responsible author and corresponding author must be identified.
Form of transfer of patrimonial rights, it must be filled with the data of the author or authors and signed by all of them. In case of articles with two or more authors, the data of each and every one of them must be provided, and the author signing as responsible as well as the corresponding author shall be identified.
Declaration of absence of conflicts of interest, it must be filled with the data of the author or authors and signed by all of them. In case of articles with two or more authors, the data of each and every one of them must be provided, and the author signing as responsible as well as the corresponding author shall be identified.
Attach the full content of the postulated article and any additional files in their final version. No changes will be accepted once the process begins.
Requirements for manuscript delivery
For the submission of material the following criteria must be taken into account:
1. Deliver textual content in electronic format files for word processor, with no password (PDF is not suitable for the editorial process).
2. Deliver photographs and images in electronic files in jpg, tiff, raw format, or compatible, with at least a 300-dpi resolution. It is indispensable to attach graphs, tables or charts in separate spreadsheets. Images of graphs, tables or charts are not suitable for the editorial process.
3. Hold the reproduction rights for the graphic material, images, photographs, artistic works, et cetera, by the author (authors), or else from third parties.
Once the submission requirements are met, the text will be sent to Editorial Review.
Processing costs of the item
All articles published in our journal are open access and are available online for free, immediately after publication.This is possible thanks to an item processing fee (CPA) of 7,000.00 MX.which covers the range of publication services we offer.This includes the provision of online tools for publishers and authors, production and hosting of articles, link to abstracts and indexing services, and customer services.The CPA, must be made once your manuscript has been accepted by the publisher, this has been previously published in the publication, the charge is issued in the corresponding author, who is responsible for making or arranging the payment with the funderor the institution corresponding to the accepted contribution.
Copyright Notice
En el apartado de Archivos se puede descargar CARTA CESIÓN DE DERECHOS el formato debe ser llenado y firmado con los datos del autor o autores. En el caso de artículos con dos o más autores, se deben proveer los datos de todos y cada uno de ellos, y se deberá identificar al autor que firma como responsable del texto, así como el autor de correspondencia.
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