Economic and Productive Impact of the Implementation and Use of Agricultural Irrigation in the State of Tabasco, Mexico


José H. Rodolfo Mendoza-Hernández
Luis Vargas-Villamil
Francisco Izquierdo-Reyes


irrigation, water efficiency, evapotranspiration, agricultural productivity



Objective: Three support programs for agricultural irrigation in 8 municipalities in the State of Tabasco were evaluated for a total area of 972.4 ha with 7 crops per municipality. One production cycle was used for the evaluation of the irrigation units in the State of Tabasco.

Design/methodology/approach: The software "System for the Evaluation of Irrigation Units" SISEVUR 3.0 was used for the integration and evaluation of a) general operation of infrastructure; b) producer satisfaction with the infrastructure; c) aspects of improvement in the quantity and quality of production; d) benefits of irrigation on agricultural production and suggestions and opinions of producers regarding hydro-agricultural programs e). The economic/financial evaluation.

Results: The crops that responded best to the application of irrigation were: 1) forage corn, with an increase in production of 140.7%; 2) lemon with 97.98%; 3. banana with 58.6%, and 4 sugar cane with 41%.

Limitations on study/implications: Data collection required several visits to the producer to improve the collection of reliable data. However, there is a margin of error that could not be quantified due to the particularities of the producers and the work.

Findings/conclusions: Bananas and citrus improved production quality and product maintenance throughout the year, favoring supply and demand commitments in the domestic and international markets.

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