Competitive management for the export of roses from Mexico to Canada

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Ricardo Pérez Ramírez
Luis Melchor Villarroel
Martin Vivanco Vargas
Maria Elena Diaz Calzada
Francisco Sanchez Rayas
Christian Pérez Ramírez
Juan Alberto Solís Lozano


Agribusiness, social welfare, international trade, cut flowers, competitive management


Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the dynamics of the international rose market between Mexico and Canada and propose effective management strategies that could be applied in rural economic units to strengthen the position of Mexican roses in the Canadian market.

Design/methodology/approach: The methodological process used the deductive approach. First, an in-depth analysis of the rose market in Canada was carried out, and competitive management strategies subsequently were determined. The information was collected on agri-food documentary and statistical information platforms at the national and international levels.

Results: Mexico has excellent agri-environmental conditions, efficient international logistics, solid infrastructure, a current trade agreement with Canada (T-MEC), and outstanding experience in the agricultural production of roses. Additionally, there is important demand in the Canadian rose market, which has so far been dominated primarily in recent years by Colombia and Ecuador.

Limitations on study/implications: It is a research that can be used as a reference for any agricultural producer, rural production company, or international trade company that wants to enter the rose market and export from Mexico to Canada.

Findings/conclusions: Finally, this study shows the importance of taking advantage of available commercial opportunities and promoting synergy between the public and private sectors to promote the growth of the rose agroindustry in Mexico and contribute to the economic development of the country. With a smart approach and strategic execution, Mexico has the potential to become a prominent player in Canada's rose export market in the coming years.

Keywords: Agribusiness, social welfare, international trade, cut flowers, competitive management.

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