Exploratory study: testicular microlithiasis in cattle from Costa Chica region
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Testicular diseases, ultrasonography, semen
Objective. To determine the presence of microlithiasis in cattle males from the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, México and to evaluate seminal quality of males affected with this pathology. Materials and methods. 77 males were evaluated in four municipalities of the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Testes of the males were evaluated by ultrasonography, if microlithiasis was found, males were classified according to the number of observed points. In addition, semen samples were obtained by electroejaculation. For these samples, sperm concentration (x106 sperm ml-1) and individual motility (%) were estimated. Microlithiasis results are shown as percentage with respect to the total number of evaluated animals. Seminal traits were analyzed by ANOVA. Means where compared by Tukey test. Results. In the studied population, about 25% of the individuals evaluated showed microlithiasis. From identified cases, about 60% were classified as grade 2 (>5 <25 points). In Brown Swiss males the 3 grades of microlithiasis were identified, while in Gyr males none were identified. Regarding the seminal traits, general average for sperm concentration and individual motility was 992.5 x106 sperms ml-1 and 75.5%, respectively. Male breed did not generate statistical differences in seminal quality traits. Conclusion. The presence of microlithiasis was identified in cattle male from the Costa Chica region of Guerrero, however, sperm concentration and individual motility were not affected.