Physico-chemical properties of the soil and effect of chemical fertilizers on the nutritional quality of ayocote runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.)


Oswaldo Rey Taboada-Gaytán
Itzel López-León
Oliver Ricardo Juárez-Ventura


Phaseolus coccineus, environmental effect, physical and nutritional properties, soil type, beans.


Ayocote runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) is a pulse native to the temperate areas of Mexico. A high bean yield can be obtained through the proper combination of variety, environment, and agronomical practices.

Objective: To determine the physico-chemical properties of the soil, as well as the effect of six chemical fertilizer formulas applied in the field on the soluble carbohydrate and protein content of ayocote runner beans in three municipalities of Puebla.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Twenty representative pods were collected per site where each fertilizer formula was applied. One-hundred seeds were ground to quantify in triplicate the soluble carbohydrate and protein content. Soil samples were subjected to a granulometry process prior to their chemical analysis. The ANOVA and mean test procedures of the SAS software were used for the statistical analysis of the information.

Results: Ayocote runner bean samples recorded the best physical and nutritional properties in Calpan, where the soil had remarkable physical and bio-chemical properties at a depth of 20-40 cm. The best nutritional characteristics in seeds were recorded with the 80-60 N-P kg per hectare formula.

Study Limitations/Implications: More sites should be studied to assess with greater accuracy the environmental effect.

Findings/Conclusions: Evaluation environments recorded variations in soil texture and the nutrient and organic matter content required for plant nutrition. Fertilizer formulas with high N and P contents favor the protein and soluble carbohydrate content, consequently improving the nutritional quality of the seeds.

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