Profitability of the Production of Sotol (Dasylirion spp.) Seedlings Grown under Greenhouse Conditions


Dora J. Marta Corral
Jesus M. Olivas Garcia
Jose A. Anchondo Najera
Luis U. Castruita Esparza
Ma.del Rosario Baray Guerrero
Fabiola Iveth Ortega Montes
Héctor Osbaldo Rubio Arias
Fernando Clemente Sanchez


plant, alcoholic beverage, sereque, financial evaluation


Sotol (Dasylirion spp.) is a native plant of the Chihuahuan desert, used in the production of alcoholic beverages. The Mexican Council of Sotol (CMS) and the Certification Council of Sotol (CCS) supervise the compliance with the NOM-159-SCFI-2004 official Mexican standard; these organizations also fulfil other functions. The objective of this study was to carry out an economic and financial feasibility analysis of the greenhouse production of sotol seedlings grown under seedbed conditions. The production cost data were obtained from a module established in the municipality of Meoqui, Chihuahua, Mexico. Producers registered in the CMS and in the CCS —and who are interested in establishing commercial sotol plantations— provided direct empirical information. In addition, the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and the Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/C) financial variables were determined. The results showed that the investment project is feasible, because it recorded a 1,483,396.12 NPV, a 59% IRR, and 1.55 B/C ratio. In conclusion, the results indicate a potential demand and a profitable production of sotol seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions in Chihuahua.

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