Neltuma laevigata and its influence on soil fertility in the Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, Mexico


Hortencia Guarneros-Manoatl
Esteban Valtierra Pacheco
Jesús E. Corona-Sánchez


mesquite, deforestation, nitrogen fixation, organic matter.


Objective: The physicochemical characteristics of soil fertility, based on the influence of mesquite (Neltuma
laevigata) were evaluated in an agricultural community of Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo, Mexico.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on NOM-021-SEMARNAT-2000, physical and chemical
parameters were evaluated. Nine samples were taken from each of the four sites with and without mesquite
(n=36). The relationship between soil fertility and the presence or absence of mesquite mesquite was determined
with a paired t- test (p<0.05).
Results: A significant difference in organic matter content was recorded. Humic substances and acids are
higher in soils with natural vegetation with mesquite than in soils with natural vegetation without mesquite.
Study Limitations/Implications: The study does not consider changes in microbiological biodiversity or the
influence of other plant species in organic matter content and humic substances.
Findings/Conclusions: Mesquite promotes soil fertility in the area; consequently, proposing management
strategies for this species is fundamental in the Valle del Mezquital.

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