Genetic Improvement of Miahuateco Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) (Solanaceae) through Gamma Radiation of 60Co


Bravo-Delgado HR


LD50, agronomic yield, flower abortion, color.


Objective: To improve genetic attributes in Miahuateco chili (Capsicum annuum L.) through gamma irradiation
with 60Co.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Seeds were irradiated at doses of 0, 100, 200, and 300 Gy at the National
Institute of Nuclear Research. The evaluated variables were LD50, agronomic yield, plant height, polar and
equatorial diameters, percentage of aborted flowers, number of branches, and plant color, which were assessed
under a completely randomized design (4X4)=16 experimental units.
Results: The results indicate that the application of 200 Gy induces higher agronomic yield. The LD50 is
reached at 145 Gy. High doses of gamma irradiation caused a high percentage of aborted flowers, as well as
chlorosis in the plant.
Study Limitations/Implications: The seeds used in this project were landraces, which exhibited significant
heterogeneity that could have affected flowering and fruiting. However, this was not a substantial factor for
this project.
Findings/Conclusions: It is concluded that 200 Gy of gamma radiation from 60Co induces genetic variability
in the species, improving certain agronomic attributes of interest.

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