Analysis of the invasion of water lilies (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms) in the Cointzio dam, Michoacán, Mexico


Omar R. Vera-Vargas
Jorge V. Prado-Hernández
Delfino Reyes-López
Fermin Pascual Ramirez


water management, social-ecological systems, available water, remote sensing, socio-hydrology


Objective: to analyze the growth dynamics of the water lily (Eichhornia crassipes)
in the Cointzio dam due to the water availability.
Design/Methodology/Approach: a monthly series of 45 Sentinel 2 and Landsat
satellite images were used, with which the percentage of invasion of the water lily
in the total area of the reservoir was calculated. The relative coverage of the lily
was analyzed looking for growth patterns over time, as well as the precipitation
data, total reservoir area over time, and water storage data for the 2010-2020
period to broaden its context.
Results: Three ascending and two descending patterns of the water lily coverage
were identified; a 15-month upward growth pattern with slight inland slope changes; decreasing patterns are associated with decreased water storage. The
largest lily covers were found in critical storage stages during the 2010-2020
Study limitations/implications: faced with climate change conditions, the filling
pattern of the dam could change, aggravating problems related to the water supply.
Conclusions: containment/mitigation efforts have a reduced effect because the lily
easily recovers the covered area, growing about 400% between October 2017 and
June 2018, therefore it is necessary to implement a containment strategy using the
biophysical interactions of the basin in conjunction with social, political, economic
and governance interactions.

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