Biodiversity in family backyard systems of the municipality of Calpan, Puebla


Martina Blanca-Bautista
Ramón Díaz-Ruiz
Ignacio Ocampo-Fletes
Efraín Pérez-Ramírez
Juan Contreras-Ramos


family agriculture, contributions, benefits.


Objective: To determine the social usefulness of the backyard system biodiversity for rural families in the municipality of Calpan, Puebla.

Design/Methodology/Approach: One-hundred questionnaires were applied to informants of the selected families. The selection was based on a non-probability snowball sampling, using saturation to generate the maximum amount of data. The SPSS software was used to analyze data.

Results: Backyard systems have a great biodiversity, including vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, and animal species. Women carry out most of the work (65%), using biodiversity as a strategy to produce food, generate income and jobs, and preserve medicinal and other plants used for spiritual development.

Study Limitations/Implications: The lack of family backyard records hindered the accurate calculation of the sample size.

Findings/Conclusions: The collection and preservation of local biodiversity is the basis of backyard systems where vegetables, medicinal and ornamental plants, and animal species are produced as part of a family strategy.

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